Navigating Relationships
Understanding Emotions
The Friendship Series, Part 2: How to Make New Friends
When we’re trying to make new friends, it often takes time to build a friendship that lasts. We’re busy, other people are busy, and it’s not always easy to find people we truly connect with. So how do we find people we could potentially be friends with?
The Friendship Series, Part 1: Why Friendships Matter
If we’ve learned anything over the past year and a half, it’s that our relationships matter. Even if we’re introverts, even if we like to spend time alone, we still need other people to feel happy and satisfied in our lives
How to Change the Way You See Your Body, Part II
In my last blog post, I wrote about why we often attach so much importance to our appearance—and how we can start to appreciate our bodies as they are. In this post, I invite you to try out another practice that has helped my clients—and me!—improve our long-term relationship with our bodies.
How to Change the Way You See Your Body
As summer is getting going and its hotter outside and we are doing more activities in bathing suits... our mind often starts to pick apart our physical bodies more. Today's blog is to help you appreciate where you are now so that there is more space for enjoying the outdoors and connecting with your friends.
Baby stepping away from depression
If you’re suffering from depression, taking baby steps like this may not sound like much, but the truth is, it’s one of the best things you can do to ease depression. Ready to try it?
How to Stay Committed to Your Own Growth, Part II
The closer you come to making big changes in your life, the more your negative mind tends to resist those changes. This is what happened to my client Chloe, whom I wrote about in Part I of this post. A s soon as she started to take steps toward building the life she wanted, Chloe came up against some serious inner resistance. Over time, though, she developed the skills to cope with that inner resistance and lower the volume on her negative mind. But even then, her struggles didn’t go away because of the external resistance she faced.
How to Stay Committed to Your Own Growth, Part 1
The closer we come to changing our stories, the more we tend to struggle against that change. Here’s how to overcome that.
How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Money, Part 2
In my last post, I wrote about the first two steps involved in creating a healthy relationship with money:
• Step 1: Recognizing your beliefs
• Step 2: Getting to the root of your fears around money
In this post, we’ll focus on the third and fourth steps in developing a healthy relationship with money:
• Step 3: Creating a money goal
• Step 4: Making a plan
How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Money, Part 1
Your beliefs about money and the role it plays in your life don’t just affect how you live. They also impact the way you relate to other people. So how do you develop a healthy relationship with money? It comes down to four steps:
True Self Goals vs. Negative Mind Goals
When you’re setting goals, it’s sometimes hard to know whether they’re coming from your true self or your negative mind.
Our parents, ourselves: Forgiving ourselves for how we coped
If we grow up believing we’re responsible if anything upsetting happens at home—or in moments when we don’t get the emotional support we need—we gradually lose pieces of our sense of self-worth.
We make up stories and false beliefs about ourselves to support the idea that there’s something wrong with us. And we tell ourselves this is why we’re not getting what we need emotionally. For example: “I’m not loveable” or “I’m not good/smart/talented enough.” Over time, we develop coping mechanisms to back up our false beliefs.
From New Year’s Resolutions to Long-term Transformation
Do you want to make big changes in your life this year? Whether or not you believe in New Year’s resolutions, if you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing you have some goals for the coming year. As you probably know from your own experience, having goals is one thing. Sticking with them is another. So how do you stay motivated to keep working toward your goals?
Clearing the Path to the Career You Want
If you think it might be time to change direction in your career, the first thing to do is give yourself full permission to pivot. Read more over on the blog!
Our Two Selves: The Negative Mind and the True Self
What can we do to calm the voice of the negative mind? It starts with learning to see it for what it is—and understanding that it’s only one part of who we are.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Becoming Your Best Self
We generally use alcohol and drugs for two reasons: to protect ourselves from emotions we don’t want to feel and/or tap into feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Why does this matter? If we’re using anything on a regular basis to avoid our feelings—or access parts of ourselves we can’t reach when we’re sober—we’re not building our coping skills.
6 Ways to Care for Your Body
Most of us are aware that our bodies can affect how we feel. But we often underestimate just how much our bodies influence our emotions. What we eat, how we move, how we sleep (or don’t sleep!)—all these things are deeply connected with our state of mind. I’m sharing 6 ways to care for your body, over on the blog…
5 Alternatives to Traditional Meditation
Do you want to start a meditation practice but have trouble sitting still? Would you like to experience the benefits of meditation without practicing it the traditional way? Or are you looking for ways to supplement your meditation practice with other mind-calming activities?
4 Ways to Ease Depression Right Now
You might think of depression as feeling sad or down. But depression isn’t just about experiencing dark emotions. Over on the blog, I’m sharing with you what depression is and how to ease it.