Navigating Relationships
Understanding Emotions
How to deal with rejection
Have you ever felt rejected? Of course you have. We all have, and it’s not fun. So what can we do to make rejection sting less?
How to break up with a friend | Part 2
In this post, we’ll look at how to end a friendship when it’s taking a toll on your mental health. What do you do when a friendship is draining you—or when the relationship becomes harmful?
How to break up with a friend | Part 1
Breakups hurt. Whether they involve romantic partners or friends, there’s no way around the pain when a relationship ends. That said, breaking up with a friend is different than breaking up with a romantic partner. Once you’ve decided the friendship isn’t working, it can be tempting to get it over with and call it quits straight away. But that’s not actually the best way to go about it.
What to do when a friendship isn’t working
I realized friendships aren’t always forever. People change. Priorities shift. Over time, some friendships just run their course. Sometimes it happens gradually, without a conscious decision or a big conflict to end things. Some people just naturally drift apart, and it’s completely fine for both sides.
How to really be there for someone who’s struggling
Here are some tips for how to support someone who really needs help right now—and hold on to yourself in the process.
The Dos and Don’ts of Making Friends (as a Socially Anxious Person)
As someone who used to feel anxious and awkward in just about every social situation, here’s what I did to get myself out of isolation and start making new connections with people!
How to deal with reoccurring conflict
How do you respond when the people in your life keep making the same mistakes over and over again and it’s driving you crazy?
How to cope with Social Anxiety
Whether we know it or not, we’re taking in other people’s feelings all the time. As human beings, we’re constantly connecting with one another on an emotional level.
The Friendship Series, Part 3: How to be a better friend
I’m sharing a powerful practice to help you strengthen your friendships for the long haul. It starts with a question: What’s one thing you need to work on in order to be a better friend? It may sound like a simple question, but it’s not always easy to come up with an answer. Here are 5 ideas that can help.
The Friendship Series, Part 2: How to Make New Friends
When we’re trying to make new friends, it often takes time to build a friendship that lasts. We’re busy, other people are busy, and it’s not always easy to find people we truly connect with. So how do we find people we could potentially be friends with?
The Friendship Series, Part 1: Why Friendships Matter
If we’ve learned anything over the past year and a half, it’s that our relationships matter. Even if we’re introverts, even if we like to spend time alone, we still need other people to feel happy and satisfied in our lives
How to Stay Committed to Your Own Growth, Part II
The closer you come to making big changes in your life, the more your negative mind tends to resist those changes. This is what happened to my client Chloe, whom I wrote about in Part I of this post. A s soon as she started to take steps toward building the life she wanted, Chloe came up against some serious inner resistance. Over time, though, she developed the skills to cope with that inner resistance and lower the volume on her negative mind. But even then, her struggles didn’t go away because of the external resistance she faced.
The 5 Most Common Anger-Triggering Fears—and How to Work Through Them
Is anger hurting your relationships or stopping you from creating the life you want? If so, how can you deconstruct anger and cope with the emotions underneath it?
What to do when you need to communicate something hard in 4 steps
I’m sharing with you a 4 step process on how to communicate better with your loved ones, even when it’s a hard topic to discuss.
Feeling lonely?
With young people taking longer to settle down and get married these days, I’m now seeing more and more clients who are feeling lonely and concerned if they will ever find a relationship that fulfills them.
I, too, know how this feels. I felt alone for a lot of my 20’s.
But then I had an epiphany that essentially changed my outlook on how my life was unfolding.
How to get out of the blame game when someone’s feelings get hurt.
Do you spend time ruminating about something you did to someone else that hurt their feelings? That you just can’t let go of? Here’s how to get yourself out of the Blame Game loop.
Letting Go of Your “Identity”
I just finished reading Mark Manson’s book, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” and one of the points he talks about is “The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it.”