Navigating Relationships
Understanding Emotions
The power of sitting with your emotions
Though the results aren’t usually instantaneous or obvious, the effects of sitting with your emotions tend to show up in powerful ways.
How to deal with reoccurring conflict
How do you respond when the people in your life keep making the same mistakes over and over again and it’s driving you crazy?
Why equanimity matters—and how to cultivate it
Equanimity is one of the most powerful tools I’ve learned from Buddhism. Almost every day, I find myself in situations that call for equanimity.
Realigning Your Relationship with Your Parents/Caregivers
It might be easier for some of us to admit than others, but here’s a truth: we all have imperfect parents/caregivers. And another truth: our imperfect parents/caregivers were raised by imperfect parents/caregivers.
Letting Go of the Exit Strategy
Ultimately, letting go of my exit strategy allowed me to re-enter my life and figure out what I needed to do to create the kind of future I wanted.
When Anxiety is a Call to Action
Though we tend to think of anxiety as a negative emotion, it isn’t always the bad guy. Sometimes anxiety emerges as a signal that we need to make a change in our lives.
Achieve Your Goals: How To Get Motivated
As you probably know from your own experience, having goals is one thing. Finding the motivation to stick with your goals? That’s another challenge altogether.
Why Patience is Key When You’re Dating
“If you knew right now that in a year you were going to meet the person of your dreams, would you still be in pain at this moment?” The answer was “no.” Be patient.
How to cope with Social Anxiety
Whether we know it or not, we’re taking in other people’s feelings all the time. As human beings, we’re constantly connecting with one another on an emotional level.
How to Sustain a Romantic Relationship, Part 2: Hold on to Yourself
In my last post, I wrote about how important it is to recognize when you’re in a state of dependence vs. a state of love in a romantic relationship. This time, I'm asking you to take it one step further...
How to Sustain a Romantic Relationship, Part 1: Dependence vs. Love
If you want to avoid leaning on your partner too much—and keep your relationship healthy for the long haul—the key is to figure out when you’re in a space of dependence versus a space of love.
Freeing Ourselves from the Tyranny of the Should
What is the "tyranny of the should" and how do we let go of it?
My TEDx Talk: Remaking our relationship with anxiety
In my TEDx talk, I wanted to explore why so many of us feel anxious so much of the time. And I wanted to look at what we can do about it.
How to Attract the Right Partner, Part 2: Fall in Love with Yourself First
When it comes to attracting the right partner, our relationship with ourselves play a much bigger role than our appearance does (despite what our culture would have us believe!). I recommend starting with these six steps…
How to Attract the Right Partner, Part 1: Is Appearance the Biggest Factor?
Appearance is not the most important factor in finding a romantic partner… so what is?
The Friendship Series, Part 3: How to be a better friend
I’m sharing a powerful practice to help you strengthen your friendships for the long haul. It starts with a question: What’s one thing you need to work on in order to be a better friend? It may sound like a simple question, but it’s not always easy to come up with an answer. Here are 5 ideas that can help.